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Európai Uniós pályázatok


2013.12.09 13:21
„Duties, Tasks, Generations – New Aspects of Volunteering from the Past to the Future”
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Project of the Municipality of Gödöllő and its invited twin city partners

Within this project, we’ve worked together in partnership with our twin cities: Dunajska Streda (SK); Brandys nad Labem – Stara Boleslav (CZ); Valdemoro (ES); Wageningen (NL); Laxemburg (AT); Bad Ischl (AT); Miercuera Ciuc (RO); Zywiec (PL) and Forssa (FI).
The project consisted of four main elements: seminar, training program, conference and workshop. During these events the participants presented their past and present situation on volunteering, operation of their volunteer system, best practices. The aim was exchanging of views, learning from each other and building network in different fields. We discussed volunteering issues with different sectors and generations from wider issue point of view and further developed a long-term network between twin cities and civil sectors, promote to the volunteer activity and improve know-how issue through best practices too.
Council Decision on the European Year of Voluntary Activities Promoting Active Citizenship (2011)

"EU documents on volunteering"
1. Report on volunteering and voluntary activity in Europe (2013)
2. Communication on EU policies and volunteering
3. Közlemény az önkéntesség szerepéről az EU szakpolitikákban
4. Volunteering in the European Union
5. Council Decision on the European Year of Voluntary Activities Promoting Active Citizenship (2011)

26 – 27 April 2013
“Meeting of Centuries” Seminar
During the seminar the audience was informed on the history of volunteering in these countries. The young generation explained their recent experiences in the field of volunteering. We could make an interactive discussion between the different parties; disadvantaged participants shared their everyday problems with us for better understanding. The participants visited the Historical Exhibition of Volunteering in the Royal Waiting Hall, which included the 80th anniversary of Jamboree in Gödöllő as well.

10-11 May 2013
“Help to Live Healthy” Training program
The program focused on training of trainers on the necessity of educating generations for a much more healthy life and adapting new methods for living healthier. The importance of sport and the nutrition were the major topics. Presentations and best practices helped the audience for better understanding. In many lectures the sustainability played an important role locally and regionally as well. On the Local Food Festival of Gödöllő participants could see healthy food and practice healthy lifestyle.

30 June – 2 July 2013
“Join us to Help Others” Conference
We organised an event of days of volunteering with cross-border exchange of views with intention to learn from each other, where from the different countries we focused especially on young generations. The lectures helped to understand the global situation of volunteering. We worked in mixed groups implementing many tools for better understanding the tasks of volunteering. We involved the young generation in an interactive situation game for instance by establishing a Plenary Session of the Committee of the Regions, where they were the key note speakers and they had to solve the ongoing problems as a young European politician.

4-5 October 2013
“Network for Twin Volunteering” Workshop
We summarized and evaluated the whole project and discussed the network opportunities for the future with partnership of the participating countries, volunteer groups and municipalities. The adaption of the new experiences was shared with local teams in different project sites (e.g. schools, healthcare institution, welfare organisation and municipality). The participant could see best practice participating in the invisible exhibition.

Látogatottság: 5632


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